The Flying Fish

I visited the fishing village of a friend, whose home was a container-like dwelling perched by the sea. Inspired by the place, it took me this long to finish the painting, though I believe it is better late than never. Along the way, I failed a few times and kept returning to the canvas to try to achieve my vision. Along this journey, I learned a few lessons, which I documented on the back of the canvas to accompany the art as a whole experience.

If you think you are not good enough, go ahead and do it anyway. It is insane to seek for perfection in this imperfect world. The will to act has already won you half the journey. What will be, will be. Let the river of fate take you on the ride of your life. If fish can fly, humans can reach the stars.

나 자신이 충분히 좋지 않다고 생각한다면, 어쨌든 해보세요. 불완전한 세상에서 완벽함을 추구하는 것은 미친 일입니다. 행동하려는 의지는 이미 당신을 여정의 절반으로 이끌었습니다. 될 것은 됩니다. 운명의 강이 당신을 인생 최고의 여행으로 데려가게 하세요. 물고기가 날 수 있다면, 인간도 별에 도달할 수 있습니다.

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